Announcing my App and NEW online course!

August 2, 2019 • Learn

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Since I released my Introduction to Meditation course in 2016, thousands of students from more than 130 countries around the world have gone through this training. Many students have shared with me they have a better understanding of how their mind works, a greater ability to focus and that they have been able to create a sustainable meditation practice.  

In the last 18 months, I have poured my heart and mind into writing and filming my latest course – Unwavering Focus and most of this year has been focused on building a custom app (for iOS and Android) through which this course will be presented. To be released soon.

The Unwavering Focus course is filled with tools and teachings to help you control your awareness in the mind, learn to concentrate, develop willpower and use these learnings to overcome fear, worry, anxiety and stress. The course includes more than 50 videos I recorded and is available now through the app to support you in engaging with the tools right away. My favorite part of the app is our custom-built Rituals feature designed to help you sustain change by allowing you to create your own practices and track your progress.

I believe that the most important work I have to do in my lifetime is to share, as widely as feasible, the tools and teachings that I learned from my guru in the decade that I spent in his cloistered monastery. For this reason, I am doing something that many people think is crazy and I am offering this course for at an introductory rate of the lowest dollar amount feasible – just $19.99 instead of the regular price of $199. 

For less than $20 you will get access to all of the course content – videos, quizzes and exercises, daily Rituals to create practices and track progress, a Journal for daily reflections and to cultivate gratitude and selflessness, insightful daily Quotes and a Library full of audio and video resources in addition to the course videos. 

It is my sincere aspiration to reach as many people as possible to support them to understand the mind and develop their powers of concentration and willpower to aid them in manifesting the life they want.

If you wish to be one of the first to be notified when the app and course become available and take advantage of our introductory offer then please sign up here.

Simple, practical life-changing courses on Focus & Meditation delivered via the Dandapani App

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