How to deal with emotions

April 22, 2020 • Insights on Life, Learn

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Greetings from New York City. I hope this post finds you in good health and staying safe. 

There are so many of us around the world that are experiencing intense emotions as a result of this pandemic. Many have lost loved ones and friends, and know people who are ill from being infected by this virus. My heart goes out to you for your loss and pain. 

Emotions such as fear, sadness, anger and more are quite common these days. It’s ok and natural to experience them but we can choose if we want to live with these emotions or not. Having the right tools to deal with these emotions is essential. 

A little over two decades ago when I first joined my guru’s monastery and began training with him, he taught me an ancient Hindu practice called the Vasana Daha Tantra. These Sanskrit words mean the following. Vasana are deep seated subconscious tendencies that shape one’s attitudes and motivations, daha means to burn and tantra is a method or practice. 

This practice involves writing down on a piece of paper any unresolved emotional experiences you may have in your subconscious or any emotion that you are experiencing which you would like to get rid of. Once you have written it down, crumple the paper and burn it in any ordinary fire. 

In this video I go into detail on how the Vasana Daha Tantra works.  

Watch the video on how to deal with emotions.

Your homework: I would like you to experience the Vasana Daha Tantra practice for yourself. Pick one unresolved emotional experience from the past or an intense emotion that you are experiencing now and write it down and burn it. 

I know from years of personal experience that when properly done this practice is life-changing. I will be forever grateful to my guru for having taught me this. 

You will find a full resource of the support emails that I have been sending out at this link on my website. 

PLEASE SHARE this link with family, friends and loved ones. I would love your support in helping me get these helpful tools and insights in the hands of others to help as many people as possible to navigate this crisis. I would greatly appreciate your assistance with this. Can you do this for me?

Stay strong. Stay Safe. Stay Home.

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