A Vision of the Future

October 13, 2022 • Insights on Life

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Having a vision of the future is so critical in creating what you want in life. A clear mental picture allows you to know where to focus your energy. Life, after all, is a manifestation of where you invest your energy. 

Besides knowing where to direct your energy, on a more metaphysical level, we must understand that everything is created on the mental plane first before it manifests on the physical plane. 

It’s a hot Saturday afternoon and I am relaxing on the couch reading a book. I think to myself, “I’d love to have some ice-cream.” I let that thought go by and continue with the book that I am reading. A few minutes later, that thought of having an ice-cream comes back to me and I say to myself, “Maybe I’ll get some after I’m done with this chapter.” Not two more minutes go by and I’m thinking of ice-cream again. 

I put the book down, get up from the couch and head to the freezer. I open it and to my utter dismay I realize I have no ice-cream. I have a couple of options now. I could surrender to this awful fate or I could get in the car, drive to the store and buy some ice-cream. 

I decide to use the willpower that I have been cultivating throughout the day from finishing what I begin to get into the car and go get some ice-cream. Not long later I’m dripping melting ice-cream on my t-shirt and pages of my book. This delicious mess started in my mind first. 

That’s a simple example. Here’s another one. You have an intuitive flash of a service or a product that you feel will be beneficial to people. You start reflecting on that insight consistently and eventually start discussing it with a close circle of friends. A couple of years later you have turned that idea into a business that is operating with employees and customers globally. 

But in order to create something in your life you must have a clear mental picture of it. I can’t go to a builder and just say, “Build me a house.” I need clear architectural plans. To construct your life, you need clear blueprints of what it is you are planning to build. 

If you struggle to see the future then look around you for examples of what inspires you and what you are aligned with. When I left the monastery many years ago one thing I decided was to be an entrepreneur. I knew nothing about entrepreneurship but I knew I could get a better understanding of it from entrepreneurs I met and sought out. I saw aspects of entrepreneurship in some of the entrepreneurs that I met that I wanted to emulate and this helped me form a vision of an entrepreneurial life I wanted to craft for myself. 

Outline a clear picture, a vision, of your future then understand the mind and learn to focus so that you can leverage these abilities to channel your energy in creating it. The clearer you can be of this vision the better. Get specific.

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