Category: Insights on Life
91 Posts

The Holey Wine Barrel
Let’s continue our conversation on energy from last week. The crux of my previous email, titled “The Hidden Influence of Subtle Energy” is that the more you understand and experience energy firsthand, the more you realize its influence on every aspect of life, bringing about the need to guard one...
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The Hidden Influence of Subtle Energy
The more you become familiar with energy, the more you realize what a significant role it plays in daily life. When I say familiar, I don’t mean intellectual familiarity, but rather familiarity based on repetitive, conscious experiences of energy. There was a time when many people were deeply fam...
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Good Energy, Bad Energy
It’s common to hear people say something has good energy or bad energy, whether they’re referring to a person or an object. So, let’s look at what we mean by good energy and bad energy. I’d like to begin by sharing with you one of my favorite quotes on energy. It is from the Serbian-American…
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Who is living in your ear?
It’s so easy to access music these days. You can download and stream music at any time of the day and almost anywhere. You can pay for services that curate a playlist to your liking. Most of us are out and about each day, and while on the move, we use headphones to listen to…
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Life’s Purpose
One of the most important things a person can do for themselves is seek to have clarity of what it is he or she wants out of this life. Why are you here on this planet? What is your purpose in life? Write it down. Edit it. Refine it until it clearly articulates the crux…
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Simplify! Simplify! Simplify!
The year has quietly rolled into February. Inching forward every day whether we like it or not. As we move forward, I want to bring up a topic that is important for all of us to revisit frequently in our lives and that is the topic of simplification. Let me do so by sharing a…
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The Things We Tell Ourselves
Well, it has been a really long time since I’ve sent one of these emails out. Apologies for my hiatus. October and November were filled with events I spoke at in the US, across Europe and in India. My travels culminated with a retreat that I held in South India where I led a group…
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Overcoming Fear & Worry
How do you overcome fear and worry? This is something we all experience in different degrees from time to time. It’s much easier to overcome once you understand how awareness and the mind works. Let’s look at a simple view of time. You have the past, you have the present (which is no...
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