“I have sat through hundreds upon hundreds of presentations in my life. Yours was one of the best. Forget for a moment the quality of your presentation, you are one of those rare, special individuals roaming this earth. You are humble, real and genuine. I can count on one hand how many people I have met in my life like you. These are individuals that the moment you meet them, you feel like you have known them all your life, and when you are in their presence, they give you their caring, loving, undivided attention.”
Craig Irving
President, The Irving Group
Transformative Life Tools
Delivered in a simple, practical, goal-oriented way
to create sustainable changes in life
Dandapani speaks on a variety of subjects surrounding the topic of self-development. Each of the topics comes with simple, practical tools that are applicable in every aspect of daily life and, when practiced consistently, bring about change that can be sustained.
The basis of his teachings were formed while living a life of serious personal discipline and training for 10 years as a traditional Hindu monk in a cloistered monastery. He was trained by one of Hinduism’s foremost spiritual leaders of our time, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami.
Dandapani continues to develop himself, the teachings and the tools, keeping them relevant today while living as an entrepreneur in New York City and speaking internationally to thousands of people.
Hire DandapaniBelow are a few of the topics that Dandapani speaks on regularly.

“To create what you want in your life, learn first that there is a separation between awareness and the mind. Then, learn to consciously move awareness within the mind. When you can direct awareness, you can begin to direct energy, and when you can direct energy, you can manifest what you want in your life.”
~ Dandapani
Life's Essential Tools
Topics that are applicable to everyone, but most of us have never been taught
Unwavering Focus Part 1
Probably the most popular of all his presentations, Dandapani’s TEDx talk on Unwavering Focus has more than 4.9 million views on YouTube. This presentation, Part 1, is about learning the fine art of concentration. First, Dandapani teaches how the mind works as he was taught in the monastery by his guru. Then, he teaches you how to concentrate, as opposed to just telling you to do so. Finally, he teaches you how to develop willpower, the mental muscle you can use to help you stay focused. His pragmatic exercises for actually practicing concentration throughout the day help you develop a sustainable state of focus.
Unwavering Focus Part 2
The second installment of Unwavering Focus is a deep dive into the study of the mind. As Dandapani often says, ”The mind is the most powerful tool we have, yet most of us have never been taught how it works and have never been trained on how to use it properly.” In Part 2, Dandapani teaches three states of mind: how to work with unresolved emotional experiences that are buried in the subconscious and dictate how we act and react; how to cultivate intuition and overcome fear, worry, anxiety and stress; and how to create positive patterns in the subconscious that can assist us in living the habits we want to cultivate.
The Economics of Energy
Another highly popular presentation, The Economics of Energy is based on the premise that we only have so much energy each day and our life is a manifestation of where we invest our energy. The goal, therefore, is to wisely manage and invest energy into the things that truly matter to us. How then do we evaluate who and what deserves our energy? How do we create a budget for our energy? How do we handle energy vampires, be they clients, friends, relatives or family? How do we create kind and simple evaluation processes to see if someone deserves our time and energy? These and more questions are addressed by Dandapani as he shares time-tested teachings and tools to manage life’s most precious resource—our energy.
More Topics Below
Life's Essential Tools
Topics that are applicable to everyone, but most of us have never been taught
Meditation & Mindfulness
The true rewards of meditation come not at the start, but rather much later. Learn a step-by-step process to meditation which will help you sustain your practice. This is the same simple, practical and effective method Dandapani learned from his guru at the monastery where he lived as a monk. Among the lessons Dandapani teaches: how to concentrate; how to set up a meditation space; how to sit and breathe in meditation; how to define your meditation goal; and how to harness, direct and concentrate energy within you. One of the by-products of these lessons is mindfulness, because mindfulness comes from a concentrated mind. From your meditation practice, you will be more present, creative and intuitive, and you will bring forth spiritual insights from deep within.
The 50-Year Plan
Where did you come from? Where are you now? Where are you going? In this presentation, Dandapani outlines a clear systematic approach to help you figure out what it is you want out of life. By getting a clear vision of how you see yourself in various aspects of your life 50 years from now, you will be able to create a lifestyle in the present that is inline with your vision for the future. Many people want to learn how to concentrate but then don’t know what to concentrate their energy on. The 50-Year Plan is a great subsequent topic to Unwavering Focus and The Economics of Energy.
Life’s Purpose
Dandapani started speaking about this topic when he discovered that many people in his audiences had no idea what their purpose was in life. In fact, most of them never even considered the concept of having a purpose in life. As Dandapani points out so clearly, most of our day is (or at least should be) driven by purpose. From the mundane to the important, from the habitual to the occasional, all tasks have a purpose. So shouldn’t life have a purpose as well? When you are clear on your purpose in life, you can build your entire life around it.