Harness the Power of Your Energy
Teachings and tools to manage energy, wisely navigate Energy Vampires, and consciously invest energy into people and things that truly matter.
Sign Me Up!My latest course, The Energy Alchemist, provides you with a solid understanding of your personal energy, how it works, and how to manage it with people. Then it takes a practical and systematic approach in helping you to identify Energy Vampires before sharing with you compassionate ways to detach yourself from them without guilt if necessary. The result? You’ll develop a greater sense of value and appreciation for your energy, and the ability to channel this recouped energy to the people and things that matter most so that you can manifest the life you want.
Stop hemorrhaging your greatest resource
Take charge of your energy
Energy is in all of us, yet most of us are never taught how to manage it. We find ourselves exhausted by day’s end, with no remaining energy to channel towards the people and projects we love most.
So we go to bed and depending on how well we sleep our energy builds back up and the next day we go out and invest it into people and things around us. But most of us never evaluate who and what we are investing our energy into each day. We are also not conscious of the people in our lives that consume our energy.
Most people are hemorrhaging energy all day long without even knowing it and therefore do not have sufficient energy to invest in the people and things that they love. As a result nothing really manifests in their life because they never have enough energy to invest in their goals.
One of the first steps in manifesting the life that you want is to prevent the hemorrhaging or energy.
Sign me up!
The Holey Wine Barrel
Would you fill a wine barrel with wine if the barrel had holes in it? Most likely not. You’d plug the holes first, correct?
People have so many energy holes in their life and they’re constantly hemorrhaging energy. Why bother accumulating energy if you’re constantly hemorrhaging it like a wine barrel with holes in it?
Plug your energy holes first, then begin the process of accumulating energy, renewing it, harnessing it and focusing it towards your priorities in life.
People can give and take energy. Some people are energy vampires and consume tremendous amounts of energy.
Buy NowDo you have Energy Vampires in your life?
Often so much of our energy is drained by toxic people in our life. Navigating those relationships is not always easy as sometimes these people are family members or relatives. Perhaps even a friend or a work colleague.
I call those who take energy in a consistently destructive way, “Energy Vampires.” You know the type: After spending time with them you think to yourself, “That was exhausting!”
In this Energy Alchemist course, I’ll teach you how to identify an energy vampire using our Energy Vampire Flowchart. Yes, you read it correctly, an Energy Vampire Flowchart. Why not! Once you’ve done that, you’ll learn how to evaluate what type of energy vampire they are. Then you’ll learn highly practical tools and techniques to protect yourself from them. Lastly, you’ll learn ways that you can compassionately detach yourself from them without guilt if necessary.
You cannot manifest what you want to manifest in your life if you allow someone to constantly be taking away your energy.

“We are energy. Energy is inside of me, inside of you, inside of the trees, the stones, in everything around us.
It is the most powerful force in the world. We are made up of it. In fact, we are it.
Your ability to understand energy, harness energy and focus energy is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.”
~ Dandapani
Who is the course for?
The Energy Alchemist course is for anyone who wants to enhance the amount of energy they have available to channel towards the people and things they love most. It’s for people who have energy vampires in their life but aren’t sure how to deal with them. It’s for anyone who has ever wondered why they feel exhausted each night but haven’t achieved what they most want to manifest in their lives.
It’s time you took charge of your most powerful resource – your energy.
14-day money back guarantee. Prices in USD.

What will you learn?
This course will teach you how to wisely manage your energy, create a budget for it, and evaluate where you are investing your energy. Learn how your purpose in life defines your priorities in life, and your priorities in life then tell you clearly where to focus your energy.
In this course, you will also learn how to mentally begin the process of detaching yourself from an energy vampire before even beginning the physical process of detaching if that is the direction you have chosen to take. You’ll also learn practical and compassionate ways to set boundaries, enforce them, and manage energy vampires be they work colleagues, friends, or family.
Learn how to adopt a zero-tolerance policy for abuse. Saying “No” to emotional, physical, mental or verbal abuse even from family. Learn why saying “No” to abuse is one of the highest forms of self-love and selfless service.
Buy NowWhat can you hope to get out of this course?
Firstly, you’ll develop a greater sense of value and appreciation for your energy which will be the impetus for you to begin more consciously managing your energy each day.
As you take charge of where your energy flows you will also start to take charge of what is manifesting in your life. Life, after all, is a manifestation of where you are investing your energy.
This will enable you to harness more energy to devote to the people and things that matter most, so that you can manifest the life you want. The by-product of investing energy consciously into the people and things that are a priority and matter most is that you start living a more joyous life.
TheEnergy Alchemist Course

A simple, practical life-changing course that empowers you with tools and teachings to manage and focus your most powerful resource – your energy!

Learn how to leverage the power of your energy to manifest the life that you want.
Delivered via the Dandapani App
7 chapters consisting of over 40 videos and audio talks delivered through high-quality video and audio beautifully designed for iOS and Android along with quizzes, reflections, and exercises for each chapter.

Learn how to...
Harness Your Energy
Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to control, manage, and invest energy wisely into the people and things that matter most.
Manage Energy Vampires
Learn to wisely navigate energy vampires, set boundaries, and protect your most powerful resource - your energy.
Put You First
Consciously invest energy into the people and things that are a priority and matter most so that you can start living a more joyous life and manifest the life you want.
Course Outline
Chapter 1 to 7 Outline
Chapter 1: Energy, The Power to Create
Lesson 1: Course Outcome and Expectations
Lesson 2: Course Guidelines
Lesson 3: Defining Energy
Lesson 4: How Energy Works
Lesson 5: Our Energy is Finite
Lesson 6: Manage Energy Like Money
Lesson 7: The Economics of Energy
Chapter 2: Purpose Focuses Energy
Lesson 1: Purpose Drives Focus
Lesson 2: The Holey Wine Barrel
Lesson 3: Where Awareness Goes, Energy Flows
Lesson 4: The Art of Managing Energy
Lesson 5: Energy, People, and Things
Chapter 3: How to Identify an Energy Vampires
Lesson 1: Death, The Great Impetus
Lesson 2: Negative People Deserve Compassion
Lesson 3: The Energy Vampire Flow Chart
Lesson 4: Let Wisdom Guide You
Chapter 4: Navigating Energy Vampires
Lesson 1: Transient Energy Vampires
Lesson 2: Inherent Energy Vampires
Lesson 3: The Burden of Responsibility
Lesson 4: Conscious Interactions
Lesson 5: Structures and Processes
Lesson 6: Redirecting Awareness
Lesson 7: Managing Energy Investments
Lesson 8: Learn From Energy Vampires
Chapter 5: Acts of Love
Lesson 1: Selfless Service
Lesson 2: Zero Tolerance for Abuse
Lesson 3: Circles of Protection
Lesson 4: Abusive Family Members
Lesson 5: Control Your Compassion
Lesson 6: Disconnect Gently
Lesson 7: Charity Energy Budget
Lesson 8: Are You An Energy Vampire?
Chapter 6: It Gets Messy
Lesson 1: Introduction to Case Studies
Lesson 2: Guilt
Lesson 3: Regrettable Exception
Lesson 4: Systems and Processes
Lesson 5: Family Illness
Lesson 6: Toxic Parents
Chapter 7: Courage to Choose
Lesson 1: Family Outlaws, Spineless Husbands
Lesson 2: Vampire Spouse
Lesson 3: Acknowledging the Status
Lesson 4: Time to Move On
Lesson 5: Conclusion
What happens after I enroll in the course?
Once your payment is approved you will have access to the course via the Dandapani App. You will need to download the Dandapani app via the App Store or the Play Store then use the username and password that you created during payment to log into the app and access your course.
When will I have access to the course?
You will have access to the course as soon as your payment has been approved and processed.
How long is the The Energy Alchemist Part 1 course?
The Energy Alchemist Part 1 is a 7-chapter course, designed to be completed in 35-days. By purchasing the course you have lifetime access to the content and you can access course material at any time. Please note the chapters in all the courses are drip-fed and this drip period varies for each course. Each chapter is unlocked only after you have completed all of the videos, quizzes and reflections for the preceding chapter and the required drip feed period has passed.
The Energy Alchemist Part 1 course is drip-fed every 5-days.
Can I have access to all the content once I have paid for the course?
Please note the chapters in all the courses are drip fed and this drip period varies for each course. Each chapter is unlocked only after you have completed all of the videos, quizzes and reflections for the preceding chapter and the required drip feed period has passed.
The Energy Alchemist Part 1 course is drip fed every 5-days. This course has 7 chapters and would take you a minimum of 35-days to complete.
What is your refund and cancellation policy?
The Energy Alchemist Part 1 course has a 14-day 100% money back guarantee should you choose to cancel. Once the 14-days have elapsed there is a strict no refund policy should you choose to cancel.
Please note if you buy in-app using Apple pay then you need to get your refund directly from Apple Customer Service.
14-day money back guarantee. Prices in USD.
14-day money back guarantee. Prices in USD.
14-day money back guarantee. Prices in USD.
Watch edited highlights of a lesson
– Edited highlights of a chapter lesson from The Energy Alchemist course.
– Filmed and edited for mobile devices.
– Download videos in-app to view offline.
– Take notes in-app.
– Lifetime subscription allows you to view the lessons as many times as you like.
Please note that this video shows edited highlights from one of the weekly lessons in the course.
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“Life is a manifestation of where you invest your energy. Learn to manage, harness and focus your energy to the people and things that matter most so that you can start living a more joyous and rewarding life.”
~ Dandapani