The Things We Tell Ourselves

December 20, 2023 • Insights on Life

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Well, it has been a really long time since I’ve sent one of these emails out. Apologies for my hiatus. October and November were filled with events I spoke at in the US, across Europe and in India. My travels culminated with a retreat that I held in South India where I led a group of entrepreneurs from 9-countries on a 10-day Spiritual Adventure, a journey of deep spiritual study and experiences. It was definitely one of the highlights of the year for me. Deeply profound.

I’m planning another retreat in Asia for 2024 but this one will be open to anyone that wants to join. Stay tuned.

It’s mid-December and another year has passed. And for many, the routine of setting goals and resolutions begins again. 

The new year should not be an impetus for making change. What should be one of the biggest driving factors, if not the biggest, is how much you value your life. My life is the most precious gift that I have. I’m truly blessed to just be alive and that is the first thing I express gratitude for in my gratitude practice every night. 

The fact that I am alive, that I have a life (so precious), forces me to ask myself, “how will I choose to live it?” And it is a choice for many of us, especially those that are reading this email. For me, change begins at the point of realization that the way I am living a particular aspect of my life is not supporting me in where I want to go. At this point of realization I don’t wait then for a date to start to act on it. I get going right away 

Some of the changes I want to make I’m able to accomplish in days. Others take weeks, sometimes months or even years to manifest. I’m ok with that as long as I am diligently working on what it is that I want to change. For change, a clear specific outcome is critical. 

On my recent Spiritual Adventure in India, I spoke to my group about clearly defining our spiritual goals, outlining the path to them, specifying our guidelines and practices that support us on this path, and finally defining milestones of progress. We have to measure our spiritual progress. Practice and measuring the effectiveness of that practice is critical in knowing if we are making progress or not. 

This applies to any change that we want to make in life. But begin by realizing how precious it is that you have this life you have. Express gratitude for it each day. Let it be one of the main impetus for driving change in your life. 

If we don’t, it’s easy to tell ourselves we are leading a spiritual life but not do the work that is actually needed to live a spiritual life and make progress on it. 

It’s so very easy to tell ourselves stories that are not aligned with what is actually happening in our lives. And once you’ve heard them enough times, to start believing them. We are all guilty of this at some level or another. 

If you are new to my work, read my book or do my Unwavering Focus course. It is always my recommendation as a starting point for those that want to study with me. 

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