Adopt these Four Steps in 2023
January 3, 2023 • Insights on Life

If you are serious about making changes in your life and if you feel I can be of help then here’s the approach you need to take.
First, sign up for my Unwavering Focus course and more importantly, complete it. Purchasing the course does absolutely nothing for you if you do not complete it. Completing the course does absolutely nothing for you if you do not implement the tools and teachings I have prescribed within it. This course outlines the fundamental building blocks needed for taking charge of your life.
There are four steps in manifesting the life you want. Purpose, Focus, Simplify and Sacrifice.
Purpose: You must be able to define clearly what your purpose in life is. Your purpose then defines your priorities in life.
Focus: Once you know your purpose and priorities in life, you know what to focus on. Focus is something we must learn how to do and practice to become good at.
If you can’t focus, you can’t sustain an introspective state of mind long enough to discover your purpose in life. Having a good understanding of the inner workings of the mind and the ability to focus gives you the much needed ability for self-reflection. My Unwavering Focus course gives you the much needed foundational teachings needed for understanding the inner workings of the mind and to learn how to focus.
Without these two critical components, it will be very challenging to discover your purpose in life and to stay focused on it.
Simplify: When we realize that we only have a finite amount of energy each day and that our life is finite, we come to the realization that we need to simplify our life. The more people and things I have in my life, the less energy each of them gets. One watering can is not enough to water 50 garden beds. Simplify the number of garden beds you have in your life. Focus your finite energy towards your priorities in life which have been defined by your purpose in life. My Energy Alchemist course dives into energy management.
Sacrifice: The act of simplification naturally involves the act of sacrifice or giving up. In order to say “yes” to your priorities you need to say “no” to the people and things that are not aligned with you and your purpose. Do so with gentleness and kindness. Do so with the understanding that your time and energy are finite.
Take advantage of my once a year sale. Use the code “Focus23” at to get up to 50% off select courses. All courses come with lifetime access.
If you are ready to commit to a serious path of study and unfoldment do so now. Don’t wait. Life’s too precious to be wasted on not living a deeply rewarding life. Empower yourself with the teachings and tools in my courses to manifest the life you want.
Ultimately, I can only share insights, tools and practices but you must truly want the change you seek and you have to be the one that commits to doing the work!

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