A Year of Travel
November 6, 2012 • Photography & Travel

Greetings from 35,000 feet somewhere over Europe. I’m on my way to Perth, West Australia and I don’t think there are 2 cities further apart then New York City and Perth. If you laid out a map flat, held one end of a string on New York and stretched it to Perth (either going west or east) and spun it around you would not encounter another city.
Perhaps I just have lots of spare time on this flight and I’m done being productive and reflective. I have 3 more hours left on this 12 and a half hour flight to Dubai. Then a two and a half hour layover there before doing it all over again with another eleven and a half hours to Perth. Groundhog day flight!
So, in thinking about all the travel I’ve done this year, I decided to list the countries and cities I’ve been to in 2012. So, here goes….
South India – Chennai, Tiruvannamalai, Chidambaram, Rameswaram Island, Madurai, Trichy
Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur
Indonesia – islands of Lombok, two of the Gili islands, central Java (Yogyakarta and Borobudur)
South India – Chennai, Mamallapuram, Pondicherry, Swamimalai, Chidambaram, Chettinad, Madurai
US Virgin Islands – St. John and St. Thomas
Colorado – Eagle
United Arab Emirates – Dubai
Bahrain – Manama
South India – Chennai, Madurai
North India – Jodhpur, Nagaur, New Delhi, Mumbai
Missouri – St. Louis
California – Los Angelas, San Diego
Austria – Vienna
Turkey – Istanbul
Russia – Moscow
Germany – Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin
Austria – Salzburg
Australia – Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Sydney
New Zealand – Auckland
Costa Rica

Joyous Children
Today I thought I’d share some images that I photographed of smiling and laughing children during my many travels to India. These pictures remind me of my favorite quote from my guru, Gurudeva Subramuniyaswami: “Life is meant to be lived joyously.” Whether you are going through a challenging time...
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The Colored Sand Makers of Tamil Nadu
It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of my photography posts. As many of you know I am passionate about photography. During a recent trip to South India in December last year I drove past a small village in Tamil Nadu, South India, where it looked like the main industry here was making…
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My Visit to Seoul
I recently posted about giving a keynote at the 2017 World Knowledge Forum in Seoul, South Korea. Once that event concluded, I spent a couple extra days exploring this wonderful city. I’m particularly drawn to historical sites and spent most of my time exploring a few of the main palaces wi...
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A Day in the Floating City
I hope to share with you, once or twice a month, one of my passions — photography. I believe it’s so important to make time in life for what you love and who you love. I love photography and always do my best to integrate it into my travels around the world. I’m currently in&hel...
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