EMOTION Magazine Monthly Feature
August 13, 2014 • Featured In, Insights on Life, Learn, News

I have the opportunity to go to Germany each month. Well, maybe not me physically, but my teachings are offered in a a widely read German publication, Emotion Magazine. My articles feature tips and insight into self-development and personal growth. Topics include investing in yourself, how to make an appointment with yourself, learning to breathe, and being intentional about the direction of your life.
I am honored to be a part of the magazine and grateful that my writings are available to a larger population abroad. If you happen to be in Germany, please pick up a copy on the news stand. You’ll find me waiting inside its pages with practical tools to help you achieve your most optimal life.

The Holey Wine Barrel
Let’s continue our conversation on energy from last week. The crux of my previous email, titled “The Hidden Influence of Subtle Energy” is that the more you understand and experience energy firsthand, the more you realize its influence on every aspect of life, bringing about the need to guard one...
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The Hidden Influence of Subtle Energy
The more you become familiar with energy, the more you realize what a significant role it plays in daily life. When I say familiar, I don’t mean intellectual familiarity, but rather familiarity based on repetitive, conscious experiences of energy. There was a time when many people were deeply fam...
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Good Energy, Bad Energy
It’s common to hear people say something has good energy or bad energy, whether they’re referring to a person or an object. So, let’s look at what we mean by good energy and bad energy. I’d like to begin by sharing with you one of my favorite quotes on energy. It is from the Serbian-American…
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The Mind’s Library – Part 2
This email is a continuation from The Mind’s Library – Part 1. If you haven’t read it yet, you can do so [here]. In my previous email, I left off with the question: What should we do if we are constantly cluttering our mental library, which is our subconscious? To answer this, let’s c...
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