Good Energy, Bad Energy
September 9, 2024 • Insights on Life

It’s common to hear people say something has good energy or bad energy, whether they’re referring to a person or an object. So, let’s look at what we mean by good energy and bad energy.
I’d like to begin by sharing with you one of my favorite quotes on energy. It is from the Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla. He said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” This statement so succinctly captures the fundamental principles of the Hindu philosophy that I practice.
I’ll elaborate on Tesla’s quote just a little and say that everything is made up of energy and that energy is vibrating at a certain frequency. Some of us feel energy, and depending on the frequency it is vibrating at, it may align with us or not. At that point, we may be heard to make statements such as, “This has good energy,” or, “I feel a lot of bad energy in this place.”
Ultimately, there is no such thing as good or bad energy. There is just energy, vibrating at frequencies that are aligned with us or not. Heavy metal music vibrates at a certain frequency that is uplifting to some and draining to others. A noisy bar or nightclub may not feel uplifting to someone who meditates, whereas a beautiful garden surrounding a tranquil lake will likely resonate more with them.
For the sake of easy communication, it is often easier to categorize things—or even people—as having either good energy or bad energy, knowing that it is never so binary. Of course, we can phrase this more kindly by saying, “he doesn’t have good energy” instead of “he has bad energy.”
Ultimately, it’s important to realize that everything is made up of energy. This energy isn’t inherently good or bad; rather, it vibrates at a frequency that is either aligned with us or not.
The beautiful thing about energy is that we can change its frequency. The laws of thermodynamics state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another. When energy is transformed, the frequency at which it vibrates changes as well.
The energy within us vibrates at a certain frequency, based on how we live our lives. If we live a very instinctive lifestyle, that is the frequency at which we vibrate. However, if we meditate, eat healthily, keep good company, listen to uplifting music, and read philosophy, we vibrate at a completely different frequency than the instinctive one.
The meditation that I teach is a conscious way to work on changing your energetic frequency each day to a more uplifting one. Learn more about it here.
In this meditation, there are several milestones. The first is to feel the energy within you, and then to systematically withdraw it to a central location—the spine. The ultimate goal is to change the frequency of that energy to align with a higher state of consciousness. When we achieve this, we resonate at that frequency, basking in and emanating a more refined energy. At that point, someone might say, “She has such a calming presence about her.”
One way to describe the meditation practice that I teach is to say that it is a practice that changes the frequency of which the energy within you vibrates at.
Ultimately, more than meditation, it is your lifestyle—the guidelines and practices you follow each day—that plays the biggest role in determining the energetic frequency at which you vibrate.

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