Is God Siva male or female?
June 27, 2012 • Hinduism
8 year old Rohan from the Caribbean asked his mother if God Siva is male or female? She replied that she thought Siva was genderless. Rohan then asked his mother if Siva is genderless then why is he married? Mom at this point said to Rohan “let’s email Dandapani and ask him”.
I replied to Rohan’s mother and said “…
Tell Rohan he asked a very wise question that most adults don’t even ask. That means he is a mature and insightful soul in a young body.
Siva is genderless. There is no male or female energy in the higher inner worlds. Just pure energy. When manifested in this world it is divided into two….male and female.
Siva is not married. God, Mahadevas and Devas do not get married.
The core scriptures of Hinduism are the Vedas and Agamas. Much later came the puranas which are folk narratives. Fable stories. It is in these puranas did the concept of God marrying come about. The puranas form the basis of most of Hindu beliefs in today’s world but a lot of it does not align with core Hindu scripture.
Hope this simplified answer helps clarify things Rohan.”

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