Life’s Purpose

April 5, 2024 • Insights on Life

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One of the most important things a person can do for themselves is seek to have clarity of what it is he or she wants out of this life. Why are you here on this planet? What is your purpose in life? 

Write it down. Edit it. Refine it until it clearly articulates the crux of who you are and what you wish to get out of this life.  

Even with purpose clearly articulated, it is easy to get distracted in life. And what brings us back to our purpose is love. Love for our purpose. Love is that which brings us back to our purpose every time we veer off. Now people veer away from their purpose for many reasons. Some get distracted. Others are absorbed in life’s challenges and the things that they do. The reasons are endless. 

Without purpose, it is impossible to get distracted in life. It is impossible to get distracted because you have no direction. As Lewis Caroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland says, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

When you love something, you want to discipline yourself more so you can get more of that you love. What is discipline? Discipline is the restructuring of your life – every part of it – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and more. It’s love that drives us to discipline our life. To work to discipline the instinctive mind. To harness the intellectual mind. And to be in harmony with the intuitive mind. To create guidelines and practices to live by. We do this because we want more of what we love. 

Devotion is discipline in action. Devotion is turning up every day to do the things that are derived from living a purpose focused life. You are devoted to these acts because you have experienced them and the experience of them is the experience of touching into your purpose. 

An absence of clarity in the mind is a breeding ground for anxiety. When there is lack of clarity around what we want, desire and need, awareness has very little to focus on. And when awareness jumps all around the mind from lack of clarity, this is the start of anxiety in the mind. 

Therefore seek first to find clarity as to what it is you want in this life. What is your purpose in life? Make this your primary pursuit. And know that you can’t pursue discovering your purpose in life if you can’t focus. 


  • We are working on the final stages of Version 2 of our app. A new look with lots of improvements. We will be releasing that soon. 
  • My next Spiritual Adventure for entrepreneurs and C-suite executives will be from March 1 to 9, 2025 and will take place in Cambodia and Malaysia. If you fall in this category and would like to know more about it, please send an email to [email protected]. Our retreat is limited to 20 participants.

““IN THE END… We only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.” ~ Lewis Caroll

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