
983 Posts

Technology meets Spirituality
Technology meets Spirituality

I’m not sure how many Hindu priests out there like myself are interested in technology but I certainly love it. A few days before I left for the Virgin Islands last week I asked myself if it would be possible to document the meditation retreat I was conducting using just my iPhone 3GS. Now one day after the conclusion of the retreat, the answer is yes. I was able to take photographs, video and post them along with write ups to my blog all using my iPhone.

Using iPhone’s built in camera I captured video and uploaded it to Vedic Odyssey’s YouTube channel then linked the video to my blog posting. iPhone also allows you to upload a video to your MobileMe account if you have one or just email it to someone.

If your blog is running on WordPress then you can download the WordPress app for iPhone and sign in to your blog. Via the WordPress app you can create postings on your blog and with its geotag feature you can use the iPhone GPS to pinpoint your location from where you are posting. Photos can be posted directly to your blog from the iPhone and with geotag you can know the exact location of where your photo was taken.

All the postings over the last few days covering the meditation retreat on St. Thomas was done using only the iPhone. No lap tops, camera or camcorders. Go meditate on that!

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Beautiful St. John
Beautiful St. John

It’s my third visit to this beautiful island in 14 months and each visit I love the island even more. I thought I’d take this opportunity to share a few images I’ve captured over the last couple of days. These photos were all taken using the built-in camera on the iPhone. Cinnam...

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Practice, practice, practice!
Practice, practice, practice!

Our wonderful retreat came to a conclusion today and the concluding thought we left the group with is practice, practice, practice! Find ways to integrate the tools into everyday life. We can only make progress in meditation if we are working at developing the key qualities needed for meditation ...

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What do I meditate on?
What do I meditate on?

Meditation needs to be approached in a positive and systematic way. We should make an outline of our meditation before we even sit down to meditate. If we don’t do this we’ll be running around in mental and subconscious circles. So, what do we actually do when we sit down to meditate?...

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Hiking in St John & working with our inner psychic currents
Hiking in St John & working with our inner psychic currents

This morning we took a ferry to the neighbouring island of St. John about 20 mins away. We then hiked to Solomons Beach. White sand with coconut trees on the beach, turquoise waters and only a handful of people there it was the perfect beach. We enjoyed our time here before hiking further to Hone...

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Encountering the Subconscious
Encountering the Subconscious

In this evening’s class we covered the first thing that a serious meditator will encounter as he begins his journey within and that is the subconscious mind. To put it very simply. One could look at the mind as layers. You have the conscious mind then above it the subconscious and above tha...

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Developing Willpower and Concentration
Developing Willpower and Concentration

Our day started with a morning group Hatha Yoga practice on the balcony over looking the Caribbean sea. A sweet spot to practice yoga as we watched the sun rise. After breakfast we dived into our morning class. We studied how to develop two qualities, willpower and concentration, and use that to ...

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