Purpose Drives Focus
June 22, 2022 • Insights on Life

Today, I wanted to continue on the topic that I touched on in my last post which was purpose. If you look at a person’s day, most of what happens in their day is driven by purpose. When we get in a car it is quite often, if not always, to go somewhere specific. Even if we decided to go for a drive on the weekend we most likely would define a destination. For example, we might say, “Let’s go for a drive along the coast!” The purpose would be to enjoy a relaxing scenic drive.
When we go to the bathroom, there is a purpose. We never get there and say, “I’m not sure why I’m here.” When we make a meal there is a purpose behind it. We brush our teeth, shower, work, do laundry, do things throughout the day….almost all of which is driven by a purpose.
Most of our day is driven by purpose even though those purposes may not be so obvious or we may not have clearly articulated them to ourselves. Why then should life not have a purpose? There should be an overarching purpose for life. Having a clearly defined purpose for your life helps you define what to focus your energy on. Consequently, it also helps to know what and who to not focus on.
Purpose drives focus. That said, unless we can focus it makes it very difficult to find our purpose. If I can’t stay focused long enough to maintain a state of self-reflection consistently over a period of time how then willI I get to know myself? And if I am unable to get to know myself how then will I know what I want in life?
If I wanted to get to know someone really well then I would need to spend time with them. If I consistently spent an hour or two with them every week in a deep meaningful conversation then after six months I would start to get to know them really well. Similarly, if you spent time in a structured self-reflective way consistently over a period of time you would start to get to know yourself better.
You would better understand what were the things that are troubling you and what are the things that bring you joy. You’ll start to see what in life uplifts you and what does not. You’ll become observant of who in your life has been truly supportive and wants the best for you and who are those that have self-serving motives. We make time for everyone and everything else in life but ourselves. Most of us are guilty of this.
Dedicating time in your life to discover your purpose in life and being able to define it clearly is an endeavor well worth pursuing. And being able to focus is critical to helping you to do this for being able to focus gives you the ability to stay in self reflection consistently long enough to find your purpose.

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