A man walking on a path to the temple

2 minutes read

Sitting all the way to Nepal.

Sitting all the way to Nepal.

It's been 31.5 hours since I walked out of the front door of my home in New York City and I'm no where near to Kathmandu. Currently stuck (in the third of four airports on this journey to Kathmandu, Nepal) in seat 33A on a Jet Airways flight at gate 11A staring out of a window that has an entire forest of healthy mold growing happily between the two panes of glass. This globe trotting forest of mold is creating a murky outlook out of the window seat I hoped to get great views of the Himalayas. It's also not helping to uplift me in the current situation.

The captain just announced that we'll be sitting here for 2 hours before the next report comes in from Kathmandu. Poor visibility of only 1km is preventing us from landing in Kathmandu and thus taking off from Delhi.

Meanwhile I'm folded like a pretzel in the last row of the plane in a seat made for a Chinese contortionist staring at the forest of mold. Next to me a Nepalese kid is squirming like an electrocuted worm. A couple of glares his way has somewhat temporarily tamed the squirming but he seems determine to test my patience. Guess he won't be attending my meditation classes in Nepal.

Well, I've watched the sun rise in Delhi from my plane window and slowly make it's way across the sky, and the digits on my watch switch places over and over again. If sitting in an unmoving plane was a Commonwealth games sport we'd surely be running for gold.

I'll leave you with a thought to reflect on at the 32nd hour of travel. When we are tired our energy drops within our body and it is easier for our awareness to get externalized. Regulate the breath, draw your energy into your spine and naturally your awareness internalizes giving you a better perspective in responding positively to people and situations around you thus creating little to no karmic ripples to be faced in the future.

I'll let you all know when I get to Kathmandu, sooner or more likely later and if we win that gold medal. (pictures show the moldy window and the squirmy kid)

Sitting all the way to Nepal. imageSitting all the way to Nepal. image

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