A man walking on a path to the temple

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Tag: Dandapani

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Interview with an Olympic Gold Medalist
Aug 7, 2013 Podcasts & Videos

Interview with an Olympic Gold Medalist

Last week in Sydney, Australia, I caught up with a dear friend of mine, Natalie Cook, five-time Olympian and Olympic gold medalist, who happened to be visiting this beautiful city as well. I took this opportunity to interview her about sustaining motivation and to gain some insights into what drove her to win an Olympic gold medal. When we explored the topic of working towards something you want i...

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    Jul 20, 2011 Photography & Travel

    126 year old Mystical Yogi and Friend

    His face lit up and a smile broke across his face as he lifted his head and saw me, recognizing someone he knew. I got to know Swami Bua when my guru, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, would invite him to the monastery where I once lived. I would often host him at the monastery and enjoye

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  • Feb 8, 2011 Speaking

    Relationships Workshop in Santa Monica

    I wanted to share that I will be conducting a workshop on "Tools for Successful Relationships" in Santa Monica on Saturday, 19th of February. The art of maintaining successful relationships is an ancient and profound one. An art a few of us have been taught. Based on Hindu philo

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