A man walking on a path to the temple

1006 posts since 2008

Tag: Dealing with Fear and Worry

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The Way Forward is Inward and Upward
Nov 29, 2016 Insights on Life

The Way Forward is Inward and Upward

The way forward is inward and upward. Truly. In this confusing time (post election in the US), and it is very confusing for a lot of people, our first step is to take a higher perspective on all of it. If you are functioning in a lower state of mind like fear or anger for example then your perspective on this whole thing is from fear and anger. Your next move will be from this area of the mind wh...

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  • Fear of the Future
    Aug 3, 2016 Insights on Life

    Fear of the Future

    You have fear when you are not confident in your own personal powers of creation. You are not confident you can manifest the future that you want by using your willpower. And because of this you hang on to the past. It’s a reality you know and have experienced and this makes the

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  • Why can’t you fear the past?
    Oct 26, 2012 Spiritual Tools

    Why can’t you fear the past?

    A question was asked to me with regards to the blog post on the 26th of August titled "Dealing with Fear and Worry" as to why we can't fear and worry about something in the past. Well, the reason we can't fear and worry about something in the past is because it has already happ

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  • Why can’t you fear the past?
    Nov 16, 2011 Hinduism

    Why can’t you fear the past?

    A question was asked to me with regards to the blog post on the 26th of August titled "Dealing with Fear and Worry" as to why we can't fear and worry about something in the past. Well, the reason we can't fear and worry about something in the past is because it has already happ

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