1006 posts since 2008
Tag: energy management
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Self worth and letting go of guilt
I speak often about being affectionately detached towards “energy vampires” that drain you energetically. Sometimes these energy vampires happen to be close friends, relatives and even family members. When this is the case, many people feel guilty about detaching themselves from them. They allow these vampires to perpetually drain them and bring them down. The first step towards affectionately det...
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Oct 15, 2017 Awareness & the MindAwareness, Energy & Mental Patterns
If your awareness is constantly going to one particular area of the mind, then that is where your energy is flowing, and that area of the mind will become stronger and stronger. It is almost like you are feeding the muscles of that area of the mind. For example, if your awareness
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Oct 23, 2016 SpeakingConscious Accounting
I was invited by Xero, a cloud-based accounting software company, to be their global keynote speaker for their annual Xerocon event. Subsequently, I gave keynotes in San Francisco and Brisbane, Australia, titled "Conscious Accounting". The keynote was based on the premise that w
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Sep 10, 2016 Spiritual ToolsThe Container Rule
When it comes to managing energy one of the first things we have to do is look at what is draining our energy. Simply put you can look at yourself as a container or a barrel filled with energy. If there is a hole in the barrel then what you want to do is plug the hole. Both peop
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Apr 30, 2016 Insights on LifeEnergy and Money
If people treated energy the same way they treated money they’d have a lot more of it. Energy is a finite resource just like money. Before you invest your money you ask questions. Before you give your energy to someone or something ask the same questions you would ask should you
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