A man walking on a path to the temple

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Tag: Indonesia

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Magical Borobudur - a temple of beauty
Feb 15, 2012 Photography & Travel

Magical Borobudur - a temple of beauty

The alarm went off about 3:30am and shortly after we made our way down to the lobby from our room where our driver was waiting to take us to Borobudur. The streets were empty naturally at that time of the morning and our almost hour long drive finally brought us to the entrance to Borobudur. I've always wanted to see this Buddhist masterpiece of a temple and now I'm finally here in Central Java, p...

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    Rice Fields in Central Java

    Making my way down a hill I discovered this beautiful terraced rice field surrounded by a tropical forest. Paddy green is the most beautiful green I've seen. It was absolutely quiet with only the sounds of birds and water flowing along the irrigation system. Central Java, Indones

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