A man walking on a path to the temple

1006 posts since 2008

Tag: learn to meditate

Welcome! Sharing my reflections on the spiritual path. Join me on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Dec 13, 2011 Testimonials

New York kids use meditation for better performance

On Monday I shared how I conducted a class on Hinduism to 44 5th graders at the Village Community School in New York City. The class also included a 5 minute guided meditation. Today I received a very sweet testimonial from the teacher sharing how the meditation had influenced the students. How inspiring to hear that they loved the meditation. It's practical and applicable in their lives and they...

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More Articles

  • Meditation Class in New York City
    Dec 13, 2011 Speaking

    Meditation Class in New York City

    Our approach to meditation is simple and systematic. A clear understanding of what is involved is shared, a plan outlined and tools given to create or sustain a meditation practice. The rest is up to you for true progress with meditation lays solely on your consistent effort.

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  • Cauliflower Kuzhambu
    Dec 12, 2011 Spiritual Adventures

    Cauliflower Kuzhambu

    Today’s recipe is Cauliflower Kuzhambu. This dish really shows off a number of South Indian flavors and cooking techniques. Making it in a strictly traditional way can be a little complex and might seem overwhelming at first glance. I've noted a few shortcuts that can cut the pr

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  • New York 5th Graders and Hinduism
    Dec 12, 2011 Speaking

    New York 5th Graders and Hinduism

    A couple of weeks back a friend asked me if I would be willing to teach a class on Hinduism at his son's school. They have been studying India and Hinduism in their social studies class and he thought it would be nice for me to share some of my experiences and thoughts with them.

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  • Buttered Capsicum
    Dec 9, 2011 Food & Cooking

    Buttered Capsicum

    Well, ok, this is technically not 100% Indian but it's got some spices in it so I'd like to say it's a hybrid dish. It's another simple dish but a delicious one nonetheless. So, start by slicing your capsicums up. I usually slice them up into inch square or slightly larger. Yo

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  • How to make chapatis
    Dec 7, 2011 Food & Cooking

    How to make chapatis

    Chapatis or rotis are simple, delicious Indian flat breads that are made from whole wheat flour that goes perfectly with many curries. Its really simple and easy to make so you should definitely give it a go. Ok, what do we need? Here's the list of ingredients: 2 cups of whole

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  • Meditation class in New York City
    Dec 7, 2011 Speaking

    Meditation class in New York City

    Our approach to meditation is simple and systematic. A clear understanding of what is involved is shared, a plan outlined and tools given to create or sustain a meditation practice. The rest is up to you for true progress with meditation lays solely on your consistent effort.

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