A man walking on a path to the temple

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Tag: Rajasthan old man

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Rajasthani Villager, Northwestern India
Apr 7, 2012 Photography & Travel

Rajasthani Villager, Northwestern India

This photo was taken late last year in village called Khejarla in the state of Rajasthan in northwestern India during our spiritual adventure there. Khejarla is located about 90 minutes west of Jodhpur and is a little tiny town that you could drive by and miss if you blinked. In fact it is actually a good drive off the main highway so most people don't even know it is there. ...

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  • Age Prowls like a Leopard
    Jul 11, 2011 Photography & Travel

    Age Prowls like a Leopard

    In the ancient Hindu scriptures there is a verse that goes "The physical body does not last forever. Age prowls like a leopard. Before the limbs lose their vitality, one should take to the auspicious path to the Self." This photo is a good reminder that age indeed does prowl li

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