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1006 posts since 2008

Tag: Tamil Nadu Cuisine

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South India's Mouth Watering Treasure
Oct 10, 2011 Spiritual Adventures

South India's Mouth Watering Treasure

Tamil Nadu Cuisine Tamil Nadu, the land of the Tamils, was dominated by the Dravidian culture for 2500 years. The cuisine is distinctly different from that of the north, and is based primarily on rice rather than wheat and an abundant use of coconut. With a largely vegetarian population like much of India, Tamil Nadu has a particularly elaborate vegetarian cuisine. The classic foods of Tami...

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  • Traditional South Indian Lunch
    Oct 4, 2011 Spiritual Adventures

    Traditional South Indian Lunch

    One of the things that I love about a traditional South Indian lunch is the array of items served. The most environmentally friendly plate, the banana leaf, forms the perfect backdrop for the plethora of colorful dishes that are laid upon it. Once done the with the meal the banan

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