A man walking on a path to the temple

1006 posts since 2008

Tag: Yogaswami

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Yogaswami, Jaffna's Mystical Master
May 16, 2011 Photography & Travel

Yogaswami, Jaffna's Mystical Master

I first heard of Yogaswami from my family. He was the guru for many of my family members and many were the stories of their encounters with this white haired and long bearded master. In fact some members of my family were even named by him. They all spoke lovingly of him, revering him as a source of wisdom, love and guidance in their lives. Yogaswami is also the guru to my guru, Sivaya Subramuniya...

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  • Greetings from Jaffna, Sri Lanka
    May 14, 2011 Hinduism

    Greetings from Jaffna, Sri Lanka

    Today I visited the home of my teacher's teacher, Sage Yogaswami of Colombuthurai, Jaffna. Yogaswami is the guru of my guru, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Here are two photos. One of me standing in front of Yogaswami's residence. It used to be a hut now reconstructed into a concrete s

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