Technology meets Spirituality
April 27, 2010 • Photography & Travel
I’m not sure how many Hindu priests out there like myself are interested in technology but I certainly love it. A few days before I left for the Virgin Islands last week I asked myself if it would be possible to document the meditation retreat I was conducting using just my iPhone 3GS. Now one day after the conclusion of the retreat, the answer is yes. I was able to take photographs, video and post them along with write ups to my blog all using my iPhone.
Using iPhone’s built in camera I captured video and uploaded it to Vedic Odyssey’s YouTube channel then linked the video to my blog posting. iPhone also allows you to upload a video to your MobileMe account if you have one or just email it to someone.
If your blog is running on WordPress then you can download the WordPress app for iPhone and sign in to your blog. Via the WordPress app you can create postings on your blog and with its geotag feature you can use the iPhone GPS to pinpoint your location from where you are posting. Photos can be posted directly to your blog from the iPhone and with geotag you can know the exact location of where your photo was taken.
All the postings over the last few days covering the meditation retreat on St. Thomas was done using only the iPhone. No lap tops, camera or camcorders. Go meditate on that!

Joyous Children
Today I thought I’d share some images that I photographed of smiling and laughing children during my many travels to India. These pictures remind me of my favorite quote from my guru, Gurudeva Subramuniyaswami: “Life is meant to be lived joyously.” Whether you are going through a challenging time...
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The Colored Sand Makers of Tamil Nadu
It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of my photography posts. As many of you know I am passionate about photography. During a recent trip to South India in December last year I drove past a small village in Tamil Nadu, South India, where it looked like the main industry here was making…
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My Visit to Seoul
I recently posted about giving a keynote at the 2017 World Knowledge Forum in Seoul, South Korea. Once that event concluded, I spent a couple extra days exploring this wonderful city. I’m particularly drawn to historical sites and spent most of my time exploring a few of the main palaces wi...
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A Day in the Floating City
I hope to share with you, once or twice a month, one of my passions — photography. I believe it’s so important to make time in life for what you love and who you love. I love photography and always do my best to integrate it into my travels around the world. I’m currently in&hel...
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