The Art of Balanced Living with the Barcelona Entrepreneurs’ Organization
May 16, 2014 • Speaking

I had the pleasure of traveling to Barcelona, Spain, to conduct an all day workshop on the Art of Balancing Life for the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) Barcelona chapter on May 15. The event took place about an hour outside of Barcelona in the Spanish countryside. A beautiful drive out there and the venue was just perfect in every way. There could have been no better setting to explore the inner workings of the mind and gain practical tools for self-development. Beautiful traditional Spanish architecture with great views over the valley – I love it when chapters/companies take the extra effort to find the perfect venue for an event and I have to say the Barcelona chapter nailed it with their choice. The members of the Barcelona EO chapter were also invited to bring their spouses to attend the workshop and we had the largest turnout in the chapter’s history I was told with forty-five wonderfully inspired souls present and eager to learn.
The night before the event, I had the honor of being the guest of the Board Members at the pre-workshop dinner, where we delved into an in depth conversation inquiring about the purpose of life, God, religion and so many other topics that most people don’t generally talk about. Another testament that these entrepreneurial events are not only a platform for the sharing of tools and teachings but also to explore life’s deeper questions.
Thank you to everyone who attended the workshop and for granting me the honor of having the highest Speaker Rating in the history of the chapter, even after having been warned that Europe is known for its tough to please nature when it comes to evaluating speakers. EO chapters always rate me after I speak but if I was to rate a chapter then this chapter would be in the top 5 I have ever spoken to for sure.
Thank you EO Barcelona for the warm Spanish hospitality. I felt very welcomed and appreciated, and I look forward to sharing the Art of Balancing Life: Part 2 with the EO Barcelona chapter in the future.
Speaker Rating for EO Barcelona: 9.56
Here are some photos from the event:

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