The Root Cause of Worry
September 1, 2022 • The Power of Unwavering Focus Book

In lesson 9.2 of my new book, The Power of Unwavering Focus, I dive into the subject of worry. All of us have experienced this crippling force. Some more than others. Some, unfortunately, live in it.
Worry, like fear, are mental plagues that have survived the test of time. They have robbed people of their peace of mind, ransacked them of their energy, and made themselves unwanted squatters in the minds of many. But there is a panacea to ameliorate such a state of mind. The cure is mastery of awareness in the mind.
Worry is awareness going into the future, creating a problem in our mind that has not happened, then returning to the present and being distressed about that problem. The act of worry is awareness repeatedly visiting that exact problem in the mind. When a person can begin to control where awareness goes in their mind then they can begin the process of overcoming worry. Imagine a worry-free life. Would you not want it?
A worry-free life is not a life that is free of problems rather a life where one understands what causes the state of worry and how to go about overcoming that.
My book outlines the fundamental understanding of the inner workings of the mind, and empowers you with the teachings and tools necessary to overcome worry. It is a summary of over two and a half decades of my learnings and experiences of learning how to control where awareness goes in our mind.
Everything that you need to begin to lead a worry-free life is contained within the pages of my book. All that you need to do is get a copy of it, read it, understand it and consistently implement its contents in your life. One of the by-products of this is that you will begin the journey of overcoming worry.
It’s not as difficult as you might think. You only have to commit to beginning the journey of doing so.
If you plan on buying my book, please pre-order it before September 6 (you can find US & international retailer links here.) For many reasons, pre-orders are much more impactful than normal sales in getting book sellers to bring more awareness to the book.
If you have already pre-ordered the book, I would love for you to consider pre-ordering it for your loved ones and friends who could benefit from the teachings.

Desire, Life’s Supreme Force
These are the first four paragraphs of Lesson 1.3 in my book, The Power of Unwavering Focus. Without an inextinguishable desire, nothing is achieved. Napoleon Hill, the twentieth-century mystic, said in his book Think and Grow Rich, “Behind this demand for new and better things, there is one qu...
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My Book is Out!
My book, The Power of Unwavering Focus, is officially available now in the US. ABOUT THE POWER OF UNWAVERING FOCUS The life you want is in reach, if only you can master the power of focus Anxiety, stress, worry, and fear—these are the mental maladies that literally plague us, contributing not onl...
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