In the depths of our mind lies a powerful realm—the superconscious mind. This part of us transcends the limits of daily thinking. It’s the source of intuition, the wellspring of creativity, and the space where clarity radiates uninterrupted.
The superconscious mind is accessible to everyone—it’s a part of all our minds. We tap into it during moments of deep insight, profound peace, or bursts of creativity. While many have experienced glimpses of it, they may struggle to articulate it, often describing it as a calm, peaceful mind or a state of mindfulness.
Accessing the superconscious mind is not a matter of chance—it requires deliberate effort. In my monastic training, my guru emphasized that the superconscious works best when the subconscious mind is organized, structured, and clarified. Why? Because the superconscious communicates through the subconscious, and if the latter is cluttered with confusion and contradiction, the message gets distorted or may not come through at all.
Think of it like this: the conscious mind is the surface of the Earth, the superconscious is the sun, and the subconscious is the sky. If the sky is heavy with dark clouds, sunlight cannot reach the Earth below. But when the clouds part, even briefly, rays of light pierce through and touch the surface. When the subconscious is free of clutter and confusion, the sunlight of the superconscious can shine unobstructed, illuminating the surface of the Earth and reaching the conscious mind. To let this light in, we must clear the clouds by gaining clarity in our life.
When awareness is disciplined, it can navigate the mind effectively. This is vital because the mind is vast—an infinite mansion with countless rooms, so to speak. By focusing awareness, we avoid getting lost in unhelpful spaces like worry or fear and instead direct it toward the expansive, deeply illuminating rooms of the superconscious.
It’s here, in this space, that we experience higher states of being—those precious moments of knowing exactly what to do without second-guessing. As we build this connection, we begin to see life not as a series of problems but as opportunities for creative solutions, service, and inner growth. We respond from a high-minded place with empathy and compassion rather than blame, anger, or retaliation.
The journey toward accessing the superconscious mind begins with discipline over awareness and a commitment to organizing the subconscious. In doing so, you’ll unlock a power within that can illuminate your path of unfoldment like nothing else.
Remember, the superconscious is already within you, patiently waiting for you to access it. Will you?