The Truth Behind Change
June 2, 2021 • Conversations on the Spiritual Path

Personal change requires a degree of sacrifice at some level. To get something new you have to give up something old. For instance, if you want to update the look of your living room, you might start by buying some new furniture. To make room for the new furniture, you have to get rid of the old furniture.
With regards to personal change, what is it that you are discarding in this case? You are discarding your old ways of thinking, old mental patterns, old lifestyle and more. Any time you want to make a change, you have to give up old ways of living and thinking to make room for new ways of living, thinking and focusing.
The important question now is, are you willing to give up these old mental patterns and habits? I’ll be honest and upfront with you, some of these changes may not come easily to you. It’s going to take a firm resolve on your behalf and a lot of your willpower. Real and impactful change can happen, but only if you really, really want it, are willing to work for it and are willing to take the time to apply the tools in your life to create sustainable change.
Well, change, in all honesty, does not take time. It takes a tremendous amount of willpower. It is something I have heard my guru, Gurudeva, say many times. That tremendous amount of willpower needed for change must be coupled with an intense desire for change. For example, how badly do you want to live a purpose-focused life?
It truly comes down to how badly you want it, and if you really want it badly enough, you’ll put the simple tools that I share with you into practice, and you’ll see the changes starting to take place.
I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but the truth is that most people don’t want to change badly enough, and that is why they don’t change. You have to want change so badly that you are willing to do what it takes to make it happen in your life. You have to persist, be patient, persevere and ultimately never give up no matter how long it takes to get the change you are seeking. I have worked on patterns within my mind for decades, and I can say from personal experience that my perseverance and my consistency in working on creating the changes I want in my life have always eventually manifested, even if it took years to get there. And there are patterns within my mind that I have spent decades working to change. The key is to never give up for the patterns in your mind are no match against your indomitable willpower.

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