Unwavering Focus – a TEDxReno talk

March 23, 2016 • Awareness & the Mind, Learn, Podcasts & Videos

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On October 2nd last year I was honored to be invited to speak and to give the opening talk at TEDx Reno. The abandoned Lear Theater in Reno had been transformed on the inside to host the talks. I titled my opening keynote “Unwavering Focus”. A special thank you to my friend Rolf Schromgens for inspiring the title of my talk that focuses on teaching people the importance of concentration. The recorded talk was recently released.

We become good at what we practice and most of us are experts at practicing distraction. We live in a society that trains us to multi-task and jump from one thing to another in an uncontrolled way. The great panacea for a world plagued by distraction is learning and practicing the art of concentration. In this talk I share spiritual tools to learn to create unwavering focus in our lives and the boundless benefits that result from it.

If you are interested in learning how to concentrate then you may also want to check out my 12-week online course on meditation where one of the tools you learn in this course is on how to concentrate.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

The abandoned Lear Theater has been transformed on the inside to host the ‎TEDx‬ Reno talks.

The abandoned Lear Theater has been transformed on the inside to host the ‎TEDx‬ Reno talks.

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