Yamas, Niyamas & the Basic Laws of Transmutation
Join our workshop at the beautiful Yoga off Broadway studio in Eagle, Colorado on Sunday, 12th Sept (10am to 12:30pm).
Yamas & Niyamas: The first two steps on the yogic path, the Yamas (restraints) and Niyamas (Observances) must be part of the yogi’s lifestyle before proceeding to the practice of Asana (postures). They stabilize the yogi’s life and lay a solid foundation on which he can proceed inward on.
The Basic Laws of Transmutation: As a yogi leaves his instinctive nature and unfolds spiritually, the sex force must be understood, brought under his conscious control then transmuted. It is an essential art to master for unfoldment of one’s inner nature. The transmutation of the sex forces is the key to youth, happiness and creative living.
For more information on the workshop on Yamas, Niyamas & the Basic Laws of Transmutation click here.