Category: Hinduism

55 Posts

Dealing with Fear and Worry
Dealing with Fear and Worry

Worry and Fear only exist in the future. You are worrying and fearing about something that has not happened yet. If it has not happened yet then you can do something in the present to change this. So, bring your awareness back to the present, to this moment. Repeat to yourself “I’m al...

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Gratitude and Appreciation – Simple yet Rewarding Acts
Gratitude and Appreciation – Simple yet Rewarding Acts

Our week long youth camp is coming to a conclusion and this is the final day of classes. Today we ventured into the world of gratitude and appreciation. As part of today’s class exercise each student was asked to write a note of gratitude to their parents. In doing so they had to be specific…

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Clay Ganeshas
Clay Ganeshas

This afternoon a lot of the campers had fun making clay Ganeshas. At some point they manage to convince the two teachers, Muni and myself, to join them in this messy but creatively fun project. And we are very glad we did as we had lots of fun.

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Yoga, Meditation and Practical Philosophy for Youth
Yoga, Meditation and Practical Philosophy for Youth

Our 2nd day of camp and the youth are enjoying themselves. Our morning started with Hatha Yoga. It was Dandapani’s turn to teach the girls and Muni’s turn to teach the boys. Immediately after Hatha Yoga we did 20 minutes of guided meditation. The meditation that I (Dandapani) conducted was struct...

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126 year old Mystical Yogi and Friend
126 year old Mystical Yogi and Friend

His face lit up and a smile broke across his face as he lifted his head and saw me, recognizing someone he knew. I got to know Swami Bua when my guru, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, would invite him to the monastery where I once lived. I would often host him at the monastery and enjoyed his…

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Yogaswami, Jaffna’s Mystical Master
Yogaswami, Jaffna’s Mystical Master

I first heard of Yogaswami from my family. He was the guru for many of my family members and many were the stories of their encounters with this white haired and long bearded master. In fact some members of my family were even named by him. They all spoke lovingly of him, revering him as…

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Greetings from Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Greetings from Jaffna, Sri Lanka

Today I visited the home of my teacher’s teacher, Sage Yogaswami of Colombuthurai, Jaffna. Yogaswami is the guru of my guru, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Here are two photos. One of me standing in front of Yogaswami’s residence. It used to be a hut now reconstructed into a concrete struct...

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Can Women be Monks?
Can Women be Monks?

It is a question I get asked quite often and the answer, at least in the Hindu religion, is Yes! And if you want to be pedantic then they would more appropriately be called nuns. In Hinduism men and women can attain the same heights of spiritual awakening. It is taught that God is equally…

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