Category: Learn

229 Posts

Awareness and Energy
Awareness and Energy

As I have shared previously the most important thing in the beginning study of the mind is to understand that there is a separation between awareness and the mind. Another equally important thing to understand is the relationship between awareness and energy. There’s a beautiful saying that...

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Focusing energy and maturing desires
Focusing energy and maturing desires

Reflection for this weekend: “Your desires, the focus of your energy, change as you mature, causing you to leave old desires and create new ones.” ~ Dandapani Photo: Dandapani speaks with Robin Buck, a co-teacher on his spiritual adventures, on the banks of the Ganges River in the Hin...

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The Great Secret
The Great Secret

As soon as we control where awareness goes, we control where energy flows. As soon as we control where energy is flowing, we control what is manifesting in our life. This is a great secret to learn. This is something my guru shared with me in the monastery and it changed my life. I’ve realized&he...

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Change Takes Willpower and Time
Change Takes Willpower and Time

Changes in life are not instantaneous. We can resolve with all our will to change. Then we need to use that will to slowly readjust the patterns in our mind, body and nervous system. And this will take time. So don’t expect instantaneous changes in life. Life does not work that way. Life is like&...

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Each moment is a choice
Each moment is a choice

Reflection for this weekend: “Each moment is a choice you make to be in charge of where your awareness goes or to allow someone or something to dictate where it goes.” ~ Dandapani Photo: The sun sets behind one of the gorgeous Hindu temples in Khajuraho, North India. Built between 950 and 1050 by...

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Meditation and Energy
Meditation and Energy

Meditation is all about working with your energy. Energy is inside of me, inside of you, inside of everything around us. First, you must understand your energy, get to know it. Then, harness the energy inside of you to prevent it from constantly seeping out. Next, withdraw your energy, pull back ...

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Meditation and Arguments
Meditation and Arguments

A meditator avoids getting into arguments and should also avoid highly emotional states. The reaction of these states are too harsh on his nervous system which he is learning to refine in his meditation. When a person goes through a highly emotional state, it is observed that it takes about 72 ho...

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Courage and changing habit patterns
Courage and changing habit patterns

Reflection for this weekend: “It takes great courage to go from one force field of the mind to another, for this means tearing up long-accustomed patterns and facing a period of adjustment while new subconscious patterns are created.” ~ Gurudeva Subramuniyaswami Photo: While laying on the beach o...

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