Category: Learn
229 Posts

America … I love
Eleven years ago I made the most difficult decision of my life. The decision to not renew my monastic vows and hence to stop living a life as a Hindu monastic. I left my guru’s monastery in Hawaii and instead of going back to Australia, I moved to the mainland US. Many years prior to…
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Lesson Noted, Lesson Learnt
A couple of weeks back I was speaking with an entrepreneur who shared with me that she got involved in a personal issue with her client that she should have stayed out of. At that time she felt it was harmless to get involved in the conversation but later the whole thing played out unpleasantly. ...
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Commit to a path
It’s only when you commit to a spiritual path can you truly make progress. In fact, this applies to any path leading to a clearly defined goal. But people are terrified of commitment. They would rather, as my guru would say, “be committed to not being committed”. Commitment for most means a givi...
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Push The Horizon
It is hard to care about anyone or anything when you only think of yourself or just today. But when you push the horizon further it is natural to start seeing the bigger picture and start caring. Let me ask you a series of questions to make my point. If you had children, would you…
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Too Young to Die
When you don’t value your time on this planet enough is when you don’t see the need to live a focused life. Life is an absolutely precious gift that can be taken away at any time. This is a fact not something that is debatable. When I was 21 years old a friend of mine…
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Build a Dam
The rate and volume at which information comes at us today is unparalleled in human history. It seems that wherever we go there is a barrage of information thrown at us – warranted or not, it’s forced upon us. It’s not only information but things and people as well. It’s easier to meet mor...
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The Superconscious Mind
If you were to look at the mind in a simplified way you can say that there are three states of mind. The conscious, the subconscious and the superconscious mind. What is the superconscious mind? My guru defines it as the “The mind of light, the all-knowing intelligence of the soul.” In Sanskrit...
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A Focused Life
A focused life. Desired by many. Strived for by a few. Lived by even fewer. The art of bringing awareness back to what and whom it is engaged with is the key practice for becoming good at being focused. There is no shortcut to becoming good at focusing. Just hard work, relentless practice, endl...
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