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Spiritual Tools Archives
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Developing Willpower
Look at your life and look for opportunities to develop your willpower. Make this one of your life’s goals with a clear reason why you are developing willpower. To simply develop willpower is not enough. We need to understand why we are doing so and ultimately what will we use that willpower for. If you use the opportunities in your daily life to develop your willpower you will end up creating in ...
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Sep 10, 2016 Spiritual ToolsThe Container Rule
When it comes to managing energy one of the first things we have to do is look at what is draining our energy. Simply put you can look at yourself as a container or a barrel filled with energy. If there is a hole in the barrel then what you want to do is plug the hole. Both peop
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Nov 10, 2014 Spiritual ToolsBringing Life to Meditation
Recently in privately training someone how to meditate I spent the first 3 days not even talking about meditation. There is a lot to learn before one even begins to sit down to meditate. Everybody is in a rush these days. Even in a rush to learn to meditate. They know what the
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Jun 23, 2013 Spiritual ToolsTake time to reflect each day
Take time to slow your life down enough to spend a few minutes in silent reflection each morning and you will make wiser decisions each day. What's the best way to do this? Designate a place in your home for reflection. It need only be as wide as you need to sit cross legged on t
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Jan 4, 2013 Spiritual ToolsHow to approach the new year
A new year always inspires people to make new plans and goals. It's a way and an opportunity to leave the old behind and create hope for a brighter future. The truth is that you can't really leave the old behind. It's just not so easy to get rid off. The old or the past needs to
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Dec 17, 2012 Spiritual ToolsInsights on Peace
The recent tragedy at the elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, is needless to say at the very least heartbreaking. It made me reflect a lot on the source of peace and violence, and this brought me to recall a talk given my guru, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami about 12 years ago. T
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Dec 17, 2012 Spiritual ToolsWhat Is the Inner Source of Violence?
Looking deeper into peace and violence I'd like to share some further insights by my guru, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. This is taken from his book Dancing with Siva published by Himalayan Academy (Page 196). What Is the Inner Source of Violence? Violence is a reflection of lower, i
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