Desire, Life’s Supreme Force
October 26, 2022 • The Power of Unwavering Focus Book

These are the first four paragraphs of Lesson 1.3 in my book, The Power of Unwavering Focus.
Without an inextinguishable desire, nothing is achieved.
Napoleon Hill, the twentieth-century mystic, said in his book Think and Grow Rich, “Behind this demand for new and better things, there is one quality one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.”
Knowing what you want and the desire to possess it. If you are clear that you want to live a focused life, then the subsequent question is: How badly do you desire it? Most don’t desire it badly enough, and the lack of intensity of this desire is what ultimately causes them to not be able to live a focused life. This applies to anything we pursue.
The Wright brothers desired to fly. Edison desired to light up the night by his own means. Hillary and Norgay desired to summit Everest. Rosa Parks desired equal rights. Gandhi desired independence through nonviolence. The list goes on beyond the archives of history of the men and women who channeled the power of desire to manifest that which they sought. The power of an inextinguishable desire can mow down all opposition and surmount any obstacle. It is the silencer of the flatulent voices of critics and disbelievers. It is the veil that shrouds the eyes of all obstacles. The supreme force behind success.
In last week’s email to you, I wrote about having a clear and detailed vision of the future. One of the things that must accompany this vision is a burning desire for it. Unless you truly want it, and I mean you truly want it, you will never get it.
When I met my guru, I told him I desired Self-Realization. He asked me what I was willing to do for it. I told him, “I’m willing to give my life for it.” And I did by renouncing the life and world I had known since birth to pursue a monastic life with a solitary goal of realizing the Self.
I share this with you not in order to say to you that you need to give up everything in your life to pursue your goal but rather to emphasize how paramount one’s desire for one’s goal plays in manifesting that goal.
Our life is a manifestation of where we invest our energy and our desire is the channeling of that energy. What you have manifested in your life today has been a result of your desires and where you have channeled your energy to, knowingly and unknowingly. This simple but profound truth should be taught to all, especially children so they can begin a life of consciously choosing what to desire and manifest in their life.
My question for you. Do you have a vision of your future? If not, did the previous post bring about the realization of the importance of having one? If you have a vision of your future, ask yourself how badly do you desire it?
The goal is not to have no desires but rather to simplify one’s desires to wisely chosen ones that are aligned with one’s purpose in life. When you do this, you can focus your finite energy in the finite time that you have on this planet towards creating the life that you want. And your inextinguishable desire to manifest this will ensure that it will come to fruition.
A couple of book related things:
- We’ve signed three more foreign rights (Vietnamese, Chinese – complex characters and Hebrew) which means the book will now be translated into 23 languages.
- If you’ve read the book or are reading it, I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a review of it online. Here’s the link to the book page on Amazon to leave a review. (
Thank you!

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