Ellerton’s Summer Quencher
July 8, 2011 • Food & Cooking

When I was in Kandy, Sri Lanka, recently I had probably one of my best fruit drinks ever. We stayed at the Ellerton and the staff there served us a brightly colored fruit drink that would quench any summers thirst. I don’t really know what it is called but I call it Ellerton’s Summer Quencher.
The ingredients as I found out after making a visit to the kitchen and having a chat with the staff are papaya, pineapple, lime, ice and sugar. So, here is how you make it.
Scoop out half a medium size papaya (minus the seeds) into a blender. Then cut up half a medium size pineapple. Put that into a blender as well. Now you can add juice from half a lime or a full lime and about 2 tablespoons of sugar (the sugar I have is not very sweet strangely enough). You’ll have to determine the quantity of lime and sugar by taste at the end. Then about 6 cubes of ice. Now blend this all up, pour it into a clear glass and enjoy!
– Papaya
– Pineapple
– Lime
– Sugar and Ice
If you would love to have an in depth experience of south Indian cooking join me on the Vedic Odyssey’s culinary adventure to South India in February of 2012.

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