Selfless Service
July 18, 2019 • Costa Rica Spiritual Sanctuary

Nick looking at a Dendrocalamus giganteus bamboo at a botanical garden outside of San Jose. We planted two of these in the ashram.

Nick helping us to design our hardwood forest

The many Delonix Regia trees that Nick pruned along the Ashram driveway.

Ashram banyan tree grows bigger every day….

11 Melaleuca viminalis planted behind the shrine to Ganesha to create a wall of red flowers

Kissed by a butterfly

Nick loves our giant Ceiba Pentandra tree. It truly is magnificent.

Love Drives Creation
Seven years ago my wife and I bought a piece of land in a little beach village called Nosara in northwestern Costa Rica. The vision, which I had prior to leaving my life as a Hindu monastic, was to create a Hindu spiritual sanctuary. We did not know where this place would be. We had…
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Update on Siva Ashram
Last week I got back from Costa Rica after having spent 9 days there working on the next phase of the development of our Siva Ashram project. The trip that we make this time of the year is primarily focused on planting trees as part of creating our botanical garden. I was very blessed to…
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Siva Ashram Update – June 2017
In early June, I headed down to Siva Ashram by myself for a quick, five-day visit for Phase 4.2 of our landscaping. It was amazing to see how the grounds had gone from being almost completely brown in April when we were there during the dry season to being lush green in just two months.…
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Siva Ashram Update – June 2017
In early June, I headed down to Siva Ashram by myself for a quick, five-day visit for Phase 4.2 of our landscaping. It was amazing to see how the grounds had gone from being almost completely brown in April when we were there during the dry season to being lush green in just two months.…
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