17 travellers gathered exactly 2-weeks ago from 3-nations and in one spiritual adventure in the Himalayas have built inseparable friendships. Themed a night of "curry, champagne and catwalk", our group honoured and celebrated friendships born of a spiritual adventure.
My guru, Gurudeva Subramuniyaswami, always encouraged everyone to dress well. When we dress well, we feel good. So, tonight we put his advice into motion. The ladies from our group wrapped themselves in the saris they meticulously chose for themselves and the men did well for themselves. Tonight we also bid farewell to Anna who has assisted me along this spiritual adventure. We thank her for her hard work, quiet nature and getting things done behind the scenes.
Our second last night on this Odyssey, the photos below will speak for themselves of the friendships, love and spiritual companionships that were created in what has been an ineffable inner and outer adventure for each of us.

Brittan and Dawn

Stacey and Soleiman

The ladies, immaculately dressed and proudly showing off their saris.

A special thank you from all of the ladies to Prema (far right) who patiently helped each one to put on the sari.

Peter and Tracey

Peter, Jaxon, Jason, Ramani, Gary and Soleiman.

We usually honor a person in the traditional way by giving them a shawl but since Anna has been living in India for a while I felt a hoodie from New York City would serve her better in cold Darjeeling.

Peter shares, on behalf of the group, their appreciation of Anna's help over the couple of weeks and presents her with a card that each traveller left a personal note in.

Thank you Anna!

Mandi and Anna

Prema and Pam, part of our Australian contingent.

The ladies are requested to "strike a pose" and they willingly oblige. To quote Brittan "Time to put a sari on: One and a half hours. Time to take a sari off: 33 seconds. Time in between: Priceless."

Soleiman and Peter

It was a joyous night filled with laughter and dance!

Prema and Jason

Here's our entire group - bright, colourful spiritual adventurers!