Tag: 2013 Kumbha Mela Spiritual Tour
18 Posts

Gallery of Sadhus, Kumbha Mela (Day 9)
It does not happen often but you’ll find from time to time young men taking to the monastic path early on in life. The world no longer holds any fascination to them and they realize the transient nature of life, thus they seek the Self. My guru says the following “The Self: you can...
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Sadhvi, Hindu Women Monastics
You don’t see too many women monks, or nuns if you are being pedantic, but there are some. Women generally tend to gravitate towards the householders path therefore you see fewer women renunciates then you do men. Here’s a photo of a sadhvi, a woman monastic. Men are called sadhus. Th...
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Series of Sadhu Images
It’s quite often that I come across blogs where bloggers have the great idea of doing a series of photos or recipes or something but don’t end up completing the series because it simply is a lot of work. And it just doesn’t look good when you have 4 out of a 10 part series…
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Sadhus at the Kumbha Mela
This photo makes up Day 5 of our 14 day series of photos of sadhus. It’s one of my favorites. Within certain sects of sadhus in the north of the Indian subcontinent smoking marijuana (not cigarettes) is permitted but the consumption of alcohol is not. In the southern parts of the Indian sub...
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Gallery of Sadhus, Kumbha Mela (Day 4)
This photo makes up Day 4 of our gallery of sadhus. Join us for our grandest spiritual adventure yet, the Kumbha Mela and North India journey, in February 2013.
Read MoreA Sweet Video on the 2010 Kumbha Mela
Here’s a video that I came across recently on Vimeo while preparing for our next spiritual adventure to North India and the Kumbha Mela festival in 2013. It captures wonderfully scenes from the last Kumbha Mela in Haridwar, North India in 2010. PURNA KUMBH MELA from warmeye on Vimeo.
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Extraordinary display of will at the Kumbha Mela
This is a photo of Naga Baba Amar Bharti Ji taken at the last Kumbha Mela in Haridwar, North India in 2010. According to those present at the location I was told he has been holding his arm in the air for 28 years. Many Hindus perform tapas or austerities of varying degrees and this…
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Naga Sadhu – Gallery of Sadhus (Day 2)
This is a photo of a Naga Sadhu that I took at the previous Kumbha Mela festival that was held in Haridwar, North India. Naga sadhus are primarily sky-clad. After spending some time with him in his temporary tent at the Kumbha Mela I asked if he would pose for me. He willingly obliged and…
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