A man walking on a path to the temple

1006 posts since 2008

Tag: Darjeeling

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Tibetan Refugee Self Help Centre, Darjeeling, India
Oct 6, 2010 Photography & Travel

Tibetan Refugee Self Help Centre, Darjeeling, India

Darjeeling, like many other places in India, has played host to the hundreds of thousands of Tibetans that have escaped China ruling Tibet. Here, during our spiritual adventure in the Himalayas later this month, we will visit the Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre and meet some amazing Tibetans who have made India their new home. The Centre hosts an orphanage, home for the aged, clinic, school, gomp...

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  • The road to Darjeeling, tea heaven in the Himalayas.
    Oct 4, 2010 Spiritual Adventures

    The road to Darjeeling, tea heaven in the Himalayas.

    Draped like a green velvet over a steep Himalayan mountain ridge Darjeeling is covered with lush forests and endless tea plantations. The small town Darjeeling is densely packed with endless shops and its catacomb of narrow roads provide a maze to explore this hill station. Once

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  • Aug 2, 2010 Spiritual Adventures

    Enchanting Darjeeling in the Himalayas

    Draped like a green velvet over a steep Himalayan mountain ridge Darjeeling is covered with lush forests and endless tea plantations.The small town Darjeeling is densely packed with endless shops and its catacomb of narrow roads provide a maze to explore this hill station. Once y

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  • Jun 27, 2010 Spiritual Adventures

    Meditation Retreat in the Himalayas

    A video highlighting some of the places we will visit during our upcoming 16-day spiritual adventure in Nepal and North India (in October). From the majestic Himalayas to sub-tropical jungles, ancient villages to bustling Asian cities, our spiritual adventure will enthrall you w

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  • Smart has the plans. Stupid has the stories (Part 1)
    May 19, 2010 Photography & Travel

    Smart has the plans. Stupid has the stories (Part 1)

    On May 21st 2009 I embarked on what was to be my longest continuous travel in India - 36 hours from door to door. The journey was from Chennai to Darjeeling. The most challenging part of this journey was the public bus ride from Kolkata to Darjeeling. I recently saw a sign in a s

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  • High Tea in Darjeeling
    May 4, 2010 Spiritual Adventures

    High Tea in Darjeeling

    Famed for its tea, Darjeeling boasts spectacular views of the Himalayas and is one of India's perfect getaways from the intense subcontinent. The New York Times photographic slide show of the tea industry in Darjeeling captures somewhat what it is like to be there. View photograp

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