1006 posts since 2008
Tag: Entrepreneurs' Organization
Welcome! Sharing my reflections on the spiritual path.
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self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Entrepreneurs' Organization Chapter Retreat Australia
After our morning of yoga asana and meditation practice on the beach we headed back to the resort, The Byron at Byron Bay, a gorgeous 45 acre property set amidst a magnificent and unique rainforest canopy. The resort was our home for the retreat and our all day workshop was conducted here in the conference room. Every participant was given a comfortable light, white yoga outfit to wear for the en...
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Oct 31, 2012 SpeakingWith the Entrepreneurs' Organization in Berlin
Berlin was the last city on my speaking tour in Russia and Germany in October. On Saturday the 20th of October I met with members of the Berlin Chapter of the Entrepreneurs' Organization for an all day workshop titled "The Art of Balancing Life" (Part 1). It was another gorgeous
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Oct 30, 2012 SpeakingBalance Living Workshop in Hamburg, Germany
On October 18th I conducted an all day workshop titled "The Art of Balancing Life" (Part 1) in Hamburg, Germany. The weather was glorious for October and the location simply perfect. The workshop was held in a restaurant that was part of a boat that was permanently docked by the
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Oct 15, 2012 SpeakingBalance Life Workshop in Munich, Germany
On October 16th I was invited to conduct an all day workshop with the Entrepreneurs' Organization Munich Chapter in Munich, Germany. Firstly, what a beautiful city Munich is. I wish I had more time to spend there. The full day workshop was titled "The Art of Balancing Life" simil
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Oct 10, 2012 SpeakingRussian entrepreneurs gather to learn spiritual tools
It was my first visit to Moscow though I had been to Russia before. The occasion this time was to conduct a half-day workshop for the Russian chapter of the Entrepreneurs' Organization. It was attended by members from Moscow and St. Petersburg (who flew down for the event). Some
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Sep 20, 2012 Spiritual ToolsEO Istanbul 2012
I gave a keynote presentation this afternoon to around 800 entrepreneurs from around the world that are members of the Entrepreneurs Organization. It was part of their EO Istanbul University taking place in Istanbul, Turkey. The talk was titled EO 360 degrees - A spiritual perspe
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Sep 14, 2010 SpeakingCEOs gather for yogic insights
The Entreprenuers' Orgranization invited me to conduct an all day workshop for them in Perth, Western Australia on August 18th. The topic I chose for this workshop was "Understanding the Mind". The venue was the beautiful Matilda Bay conference room which overlooked the bay and P
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