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Tag: Evening meditation class NYC

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Guided Meditation Classes in New York City
Nov 15, 2011 Speaking

Guided Meditation Classes in New York City

Our approach to meditation is simple and systematic. A clear understanding of what is involved is shared, a plan outlined and tools given to create or sustain a meditation practice. The rest is up to you for true progress with meditation lays solely on your consistent effort. Whether you are a beginner or someone who has been meditating for a while you'll find these classes very useful. The fir...

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  • Guided Meditation in New York City
    Aug 1, 2011 Speaking

    Guided Meditation in New York City

    Join our evening guided meditation in a quiet garden in midtown close to Grand Central. This 30-min meditation will take you through some breathing exercises and a simple but effective meditation practice. Class is open to meditation practitioners of all levels. Cost is $10 per

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