1006 posts since 2008
Tag: learn
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Awareness, the Dog
Treat your awareness like a dog. I remember a few years ago I went on holidays to the Caribbean, and while I was there, I stayed with a friend of mine. He works for the FBI and is in the Canine Unit, so he has a German Shepherd. A big, beautiful dog. This dog is so well trained, so obedient, that when my friend walks, this dog walks by his side. Whereas, when I walk around New York City and I see ...
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Sep 10, 2017 Insights on LifeThe Need to Learn
I meet so many people that are obsessed about learning, that are perpetually taking one course after another. Learning is good, but more important than the ebullient need to consume knowledge should be the need to apply the knowledge learned in daily life. This is where most peop
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