A man walking on a path to the temple

1006 posts since 2008

Tag: learn to meditate

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Dal with Mushrooms and Peppers
Dec 6, 2011 Spiritual Adventures

Dal with Mushrooms and Peppers

Dal or dried lentils is one of the staple foods throughout India, and there are innumerable variations, using different dals and different supporting ingredients. There are at least 10 major kinds of dal, available, whole or split. We use them very little in the west - chickpeas being one of the few that occasionally appears on American tables. Dal can be cooked on its own with just a few spices,...

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  • Stuffed Baby Eggplants
    Dec 5, 2011 Food & Cooking

    Stuffed Baby Eggplants

    This recipe uses baby eggplants stuffed with a mixture that includes nuts, coconut, onions and spices. This unusual preparation adds a lot of visual interest to an Indian meal. Sometimes, Indian food can have a sameness from too many vegetables in sauces. While this is an

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  • Swiss Chard and Coconut Recipe
    Dec 2, 2011 Food & Cooking

    Swiss Chard and Coconut Recipe

    I enjoy making this dish because it is simple, quick, delicious and very nutritious. Swiss Chard is, in fact, considered to be one of the healthiest vegetables available and a valuable addition to a healthy diet. Ingredients Swiss Chard (bunch) Freshly grated coconut (or froze

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  • Puttu Recipe
    Nov 30, 2011 Food & Cooking

    Puttu Recipe

    Today's dish is called puttu. One of my personal favorites. It is a south Indian and Sri Lankan dish, quite often had at breakfast (but you don't have to limit it to that). On our spiritual and culinary tour to South India in February 2012 we will get to try this in Kerala.

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  • Meditation Class in Manhattan, NYC
    Nov 30, 2011 Speaking

    Meditation Class in Manhattan, NYC

    Our approach to meditation is simple and systematic. A clear understanding of what is involved is shared, a plan outlined and tools given to create or sustain a meditation practice. The rest is up to you for true progress with meditation lays solely on your consistent effort.

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  • Aruba Aloo
    Nov 23, 2011 Food & Cooking

    Aruba Aloo

    Today is day one of our 20 days of delicious Indian recipes. One of the great things that I love about Indian cooking is the freedom that it gives you to experiment with the variety of spices and vegetables that result in countless sumptuous dishes. Since I'm in Aruba right now

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  • Guided Meditation Classes in New York City
    Nov 15, 2011 Speaking

    Guided Meditation Classes in New York City

    Our approach to meditation is simple and systematic. A clear understanding of what is involved is shared, a plan outlined and tools given to create or sustain a meditation practice. The rest is up to you for true progress with meditation lays solely on your consistent effort.

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