Tag: life
8 Posts

Developing Willpower
Look at your life and look for opportunities to develop your willpower. Make this one of your life’s goals with a clear reason why you are developing willpower. To simply develop willpower is not enough. We need to understand why we are doing so and ultimately what will we use that willpower for....
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Slow Down or Simplify
A couple of weeks ago when I was in Berlin where I gave a keynote titled “Mastering your Mind” to a group of people involved in Private Equity and Investing, an individual said to me after my talk “I really need to slow down my life. My whole family needs to slow down. It’s just…
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Apples and Oranges
When you desire apples more than you do oranges is when you will start to choose apples instead of oranges. Life is the same way too. A lot of people say to me they want to have a more spiritual life. But the truth is they don’t desire it enough. It’s only when their desire…
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How well do you listen?
These days listening is a rare trait. It is rare because most people have great difficulty in concentrating. Another area in life where concentration plays a big part to me is in building relationships with people. One of the ways to build relationships with people is the ability to listen. But y...
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Life is Finite
We really don’t know what happens at the point of death, so most of us don’t like to think about it. We live our lives like we’re going to live forever, but the truth is we don’t live forever. We all die at some point. When you realize that life is finite—not short, but finite—you…
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Technology and Concentration
I’ve seen and heard many people hold up their smartphones and say, “These things are ruining our lives.” I beg to disagree. Smartphones are not ruining our lives. They are wonderful devices with great capabilities. What is ruining your life is your inability to exercise discipline around the use ...
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Paths in the Mind
Here is something deeper for you to reflect upon. I’ll touch on it, but won’t get too deep into this for now. As awareness repeatedly goes to a particular area of the mind, it creates a groove or a path to that area of the mind. As it repeatedly travels back and forth to this…
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The Four Stages of Life
This talk is an excerpt of a 2-hour Conversations on the Spiritual Path talk held at Jane’s House of Wellbeing in St. Charles, Missouri. An attendee asks me to share some insights on the Hindu concept of the four stages of life. What are they, at what age do the different stages begin, etc. Talk&...
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