A man walking on a path to the temple

1006 posts since 2008

Tag: Spiritual Adventures

Welcome! Sharing my reflections on the spiritual path. Join me on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Desert Dwellers
Jul 24, 2011 Photography & Travel

Desert Dwellers

As our jeep headed west from Jaisalmer we made our way further into the Great Thar Desert (also known as the Great Indian Desert) I could only wonder to myself how people lived here. Over an hour later after driving on a single lane road we arrived at a group of mud huts in the desert......truly in the middle of nowhere. There was one well in this small village, if you could even call it that, ...

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  • Jaisalmer, in the Great Thar Desert
    Jul 24, 2011 Photography & Travel

    Jaisalmer, in the Great Thar Desert

    Jaisalmer is picturesque and truly a gem in the desert. Isolated, it's an oasis in the Great Thar Desert, with its giant sandcastle like fort. It is also the base for many an adventurous trek into the ocean of sand. The old fort in the centre of town is majestic against the des

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  • Meherangah Fort, Jodhpur
    Jul 21, 2011 Photography & Travel

    Meherangah Fort, Jodhpur

    In yesterday's post we looked at the inside of one of the palaces within Jodhpur's Meherangah Fort in Rajasthan. Today, photos highlight the outer walls of the palaces and the fort itself plus the steep entrance to this mammoth complex. The entrance way is steep and built at 90 d

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  • Inside Jodhpurs' Meherangah Fort
    Jul 19, 2011 Photography & Travel

    Inside Jodhpurs' Meherangah Fort

    This is day ten of our month long series of photographs on Rajasthan and today we look at the spectacular Meherangah Fort in Jodhpur. The majestic fort is sprawled across a 125m-high hill (440-feet) and is an architectural marvel in itself. There are seven gates, which include

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  • Rajasthani Embroidered Clothing
    Jul 18, 2011 Photography & Travel

    Rajasthani Embroidered Clothing

    In yesterday's post titled "Rajasthani Women’s Attire" we shared a little about the embroidering that takes place in the fabric that Rajasthani women wear. Here's a photo that I almost deleted once. It was part of a larger image that was not very good which I had taken some yea

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  • Traditional Rajasthani Jewelry
    Jul 17, 2011 Photography & Travel

    Traditional Rajasthani Jewelry

    To find out more about Rajasthani jewelry you can check out this article on the Maps of India website. Quoting the site "The women take pride in their traditional jewellery and Rajasthani womenfolk cherish their heritage. The pieces of jewellery are often heirlooms and passed

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  • Rajasthani women's attire
    Jul 17, 2011 Photography & Travel

    Rajasthani women's attire

    The women in Rajasthan are always elegantly and colorfully draped in saris or ghaghra cholis. These silk or cotton saris are often embroidered to enhance their look giving it a touch of finesse that can often denote a person of wealthier resources. The embroideries are done wit

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