1006 posts since 2008
Tag: Spiritual Path
Welcome! Sharing my reflections on the spiritual path.
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self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Facing & Understanding Challenges
"All seekers accept as their own karma all experiences that come, however harsh or difficult, never uttering a syllable of complaint. Theirs is the power of surrender, accepting what is as it is, not as they want it to be" ~ Gurudeva When one truly understands the law of karma and is in complete harmony with it on all levels of consciousness then one gracefully accepts all that comes ones way. Wh...
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Aug 10, 2013 Conversations on the Spiritual PathConversations on the Spiritual Path, St.Louis, Missouri
Great event Friday evening at Jane's House of Well-Being in St.Louis, Missouri. Our "Conversations on the Spiritual Path" event brought up great questions about religion, the spiritual path, "do we need to pick a religion or can we treat it like a spiritual buffet and pick and ch
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