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Tag: Spiritual Tools

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How to approach the new year
Jan 4, 2013 Spiritual Tools

How to approach the new year

A new year always inspires people to make new plans and goals. It's a way and an opportunity to leave the old behind and create hope for a brighter future. The truth is that you can't really leave the old behind. It's just not so easy to get rid off. The old or the past needs to be lovingly dealt with. The best way to approach a new year is not only to make plans but to lovingly wrap up the prev...

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    Oct 26, 2012 Spiritual Tools

    Why can’t you fear the past?

    A question was asked to me with regards to the blog post on the 26th of August titled "Dealing with Fear and Worry" as to why we can't fear and worry about something in the past. Well, the reason we can't fear and worry about something in the past is because it has already happ

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  • Jan 4, 2012 Speaking

    What is the purpose of meditation?

    Somebody asked me in a class recently a question that I have never been asked before. The question was “What is the purpose of meditation?” Strange, I thought at that very instant I heard the question, that it was a very obvious question but no one seems to ask it. Unless of cour

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  • Dec 1, 2011 Spiritual Tools

    More about "Doing Nothing"

    The following questions were asked to me by a staff writer at Well and Good NYC, an online wellness magazine, about the importance of doing nothing. And here are my full responses. Do you think that it’s important, once in a while, to take time to truly stop going and just do no

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  • Why can’t you fear the past?
    Nov 16, 2011 Hinduism

    Why can’t you fear the past?

    A question was asked to me with regards to the blog post on the 26th of August titled "Dealing with Fear and Worry" as to why we can't fear and worry about something in the past. Well, the reason we can't fear and worry about something in the past is because it has already happ

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