1006 posts since 2008
Tag: SV Youth Camp
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Hindu Youth Camp Begins
Off to the Sri Venkateswara (SV) Hindu Youth camp in Slippery Rock in Pennsylvania. The week long camp will host 96 campers from the ages of 8 to 18. I've been invited to be one of two teachers at the camp. A brief stop in Washington DC. A look at the Pentagon from the sky. A priest from the Sri Venkateswara temple in Pittsburgh does a puja to officially begin the youth camp. The campers...
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Jul 24, 2010 Children & YouthYoga, meditation and philosophy (Youth Camp)
6:45am yoga and meditation. Our die hard yogis are there with sleepy eyes. For the young ones that have been coming every year to camp they are very familiar with most of the poses and can do them well. Savasana or the corpse pose is the favorite among the kids as you can i
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